Christmas ChocolatesIf I wasn’t living it myself I’d think this would be quite amazing, but hey, I’ll take the real thing that I’ve got!

Here’s what I’m talking about: if you read my previous article, How I Dropped 4 Sizes in My Jeans in 2 Months, then you know that I have undergone some very powerful Inner Transformations this year.

Inner Transformation that is so powerful, that today there’s nothing I can do to Gain weight. It’s just not how it works for me anymore.

How can that be? Here’s a very simple way to understand this: where exactly are all of your behaviours “generated” from? Or in other words, who exactly is in charge of Your Brain?

The bottom-line truth is that you are either eating and exercising in a way that allows the fat to drop from your body and stay off, or your behaviors with food and exercise are adding fat to your body and keeping you stuck. Stuck and overweight – not fun during the holidays or at any time of year!

Once you transform on the inside, then your behaviors on the outside are forever transformed (your brain = your thoughts = your beliefs = your Body and Your LIFE). Then how you eat and exercise will match your inner world, your Inner YOU, which leads to action without any struggle or strife. No more Forcing Yourself to eat and exercise. No more fight.

Here’s a great example: Last year at this time and for years before that, all I had to do was look at foods that I believed were going to make me gain weight and as soon as I took a bite, that’s what happened! Why? Well I couldn’t stop with just one back then. And more…

In fact it’s interesting because if you are familiar with my site I founded in 2007, Fearless Fat Loss, I wrote hundreds of articles there about sugar addiction as well as articles about whole foods being the only way to go.

Truly, the human body loves whole, fresh, unprocessed foods, which I do gravitate towards the majority of the time. And then there are times, like during the holidays, when you want to enjoy other foods without feeling deprived. And guess what I’ve been eating and drinking without gaining any weight at all this holiday season!

  • Starbucks gingerbread lattes
  • Trader Joe’s egg nog chewy cookies
  • Trader Joe’s chocolate covered shortbread cookies
  • Trader Joe’s anything and everything I like there!
  • Cookies from the bakery
  • Taco Bell!
  • All of the whole foods I so much love and enjoy

Yes, I’ve been eating all of this and more, and still I sit here typing out this article for you wearing my loose, size 8 jeans with a big gap in my waistband. 

My Holiday Season Without Weight Gain.

There is no magic here. No, that’s not at all the case. What is fundamentally different is that after experiencing the core Inner Transformations I have this year, I no longer even have the thought to behave in the ways I used to with food. Such past behaviors as:

  • Overeating
  • Compulsive food behaviors (you know, that feeling like you can’t stop with just one and you can’t stop yourself from eating foods that you really don’t want to eat)
  • Eating when not hungry
  • Feeling any guilt or remorse about what I eat, ate, wanted to eat, or didn’t eat
  • Foods deprivation
  • Forcing myself to behave in a way with food that I really didn’t want to (ex: making myself eat only whole foods when I also wanted something else)
  • Stuffing myself

So yes, I eat whatever I want to, I’m not gaining weight, I feel great, and it’s quite exciting. I’m also very much looking forward to an upcoming holiday party next week as well as the New Year’s Eve gala I’m attending. I have a beautiful, sequined dress to wear and I’m happy it’s a very lovely, loose size 8 (I have not fit into this size for years, and still I’m eating what I want).


If you would love to have this outcome for yourself so that you Rock your year in 2011 to once and for all drop the fat and keep it off…without struggle…then apply now for a complimentary strategy session with JoLynn. This is for YOU if you are serious about finally living the LIFE of your dreams, while IN your dream body. Stop Hiding Behind The Fat.