Bullshit ButtonI have a new term I use with my permanent weight loss coaching clients and it goes like this: Bullshit!

Yes! That’s it! Bullshit!

I call Bullshit! if I hear them using any kind of excuse to follow through with their Inner Self Diet™ Tools.

Note that I do this with their permission, which they gladly give to me because they don’t hire me as their permanent weight loss coach to pat them on the head and tell that that everything is going to be OK while they keep doing the same things over and over!

No! That’s what a friend does for you. A friend tries to soothe you in your pain and misery when you tell her about how horrible it is that you can’t stop eating and you can’t lose weight. That’s not why my inspiring clients work with me. They WANT my objectivity and directness. In fact they tell me that they highly value it because no one has ever been that honest with them before.

And what Results do they get? They get to be honest with themselves and notice when they are using excuses. And they get the Results of a weight loss mindset, which is free of those weighty excuses they’ve been using all of their life.

Note that these are not excuses they tell me for working out or eating healthy. It’s no struggle to do either of those things once you have a weight loss mindset. But you must DO specific Inner Self steps in order to GET that mindset so that weight loss is then super easy for you!

However there are very heavy excuses that many use to stop themselves from ever getting my help, even though if they did access my coaching and guidance in The Inner Self Diet™ then they would be living the results my clients are living today! The results of struggle-free permanent weight loss.

Let’s take a look at the top 5 excuses that keep you stuck and Hiding Behind The Fat.

Top 5 Excuses That Keep You Hiding Behind The Fat

If you are willing to be 100% honest with yourself by seeing how you are using any or all of the weighty excuses below, then you might just be able to believe in yourself enough to finally take the next step towards a weight loss mindset.

Then you would finally be making weight loss easy for yourself as you would Stop Hiding Behind The Fat! Therefore I invite you to be brutally honest with yourself as you read the following excuses that are keeping you stuck in an overweight, unhealthy, feeling-bad-body.

The excuses that stop you from getting the help of a highly skilled coach and mentor who has the proven step-by-step System to release you from your ongoing struggles with food and your weight.

1.) I can figure it out on my own.


You know that what you’re doing isn’t working. How do you know? Because none of the things you’ve done have given you permanent weight loss! No matter how many diets, exercise programs, or even self-help programs you’ve done, nothing has solved your lifelong food and weight struggles.But, you continue to use the excuse of “I can figure it out on my own” to stop you from getting the help of a highly skilled coach and mentor. A mentor who has the solution to your lifelong struggles with food and your weight.

2.) I don’t have the money.


You can always make more money. But you can never make up lost time and lost transformation that you could have had if you had just invested in yourself to solve your lifelong problems with food and your weight.

True! Just imagine where you’d be now if you had already gotten help to solve your ongoing food and weight struggles a year ago. Or five years ago. Wowza! What a difference a weight loss mindset makes!

But, you continue to use the excuse of “I don’t have the money” to keep yourself Hiding Behind The Fat. (Hint: What this really translates to is “I don’t believe I deserve to invest in myself“. Powerful paradigm shift!)

3.) I don’t have the time.


You always have time for that which you value most. How do you know? Make a list on paper right now of the top 10 things you do every day. Where does surfing the Internet for weight loss tips fall in that list?  Where does working out without any struggle fall in that list?What about eating? Working? Watching TV every night? What about healthy cooking without any struggle?

You are already spending your time on exactly what you value the most in your life, and if you aren’t investing your time on getting a weight loss mindset each day, then you either don’t believe that it is 90% of your problem (which it is) or you don’t believe that you deserve to feel good. How do you know? Well how good would you feel if you no longer struggled with food and your weight?

But, you continue to use the excuse of “I don’t have the time” to keep yourself Hiding Behind The Fat, while all of my inspiring clients who are already living with struggle-free weight loss have the same amount of hours in their day that you do! Exciting to know since YOU could actually have the results they are living, if you were to do exactly what they are doing!

4.) Only others can have permanent weight loss. But not me.


If there is just one person on this planet, living or dead, who has achieved struggle-free permanent weight loss then that means that YOU can, too. How can you know? Because all you need to do is simply follow the same steps to a weight loss mindset that they already took. Simple!

But instead you keep using the excuse of “Only others can have permanent weight loss” to keep yourself Hiding Behind The Fat. Why? Well there are several reasons, which could go in a completely different article (or book!) but often this is a symptom of a “Whoa is me” victim mentality.

Meaning that you have a habitual pattern of thinking “Oh, I’m doomed, only they get the good stuff”, and if you were to have the help you need to dig deeper you’d find that this comes down to a belief of unworthiness. Solving those issues can be very hard to do on your own, simply because you cannot find the solution to the problem with the same mindset that created the problem.

5.) I’ve already tried it all and NOTHING ever works for me.


It is not possible that you have tried it all because if you had taken action with the steps in The Inner Self Diet™ then you’d already have a weight loss mindset, which means you’d be living with struggle-free weight loss and you would not be reading this article right now!

Right now you’d be out there living the life of your dreams, while IN the body of your dreams.

You’d be taking action, feeling great in your own skin, loving your life, loving the body you see in the mirror, having a healthy relationship with food, and wondering, “Who WAS that person I used to be?? That person who struggled for over 30 years with food and my weight? She seems like a character in a movie, I can’t even relate to her anymore!”

But instead, you use the excuse of “I’ve already tried it all and NOTHING ever works for me” to keep yourself stuck and Hiding Behind The Fat.

Drop Your Excuses to Stop Hiding Behind The Fat

Unfortunately, all of the 5 excuses above that are keeping you Hiding Behind The Fat are symptoms of an F.A.T. Mindset. Therefore they are all rooted in FEAR.

F.A.T. = Fear Attracting Thoughts

So, the same mindset that is keeping you overweight and stuck is the same mindset that is making up the above excuses for failure and is the same mindset that is keeping you stuck!

It keeps going round and round in a circle…

You cannot find the solution to the problem with the same mindset that created the problem.

When I speak with a person who is very serious about releasing their lifelong struggles with food and their weight and they use any kind of excuse that could stop themselves from breaking free of it I remind them that the same problem that is keeping them overweight is the same problem that is trying to stop them from getting the solution.

If they are truly serious about leaving their struggles in the dust then they do just that! They enroll in The Inner Self Diet and you get to read about them and their restults here and here.

What about YOU though? Does it really help YOU to keep reading about how my clients have lost 90 pounds without struggle, dropped 50 pounds without struggle, stopped binge eating after 30 years, and gone from depression to struggle-free weight loss and joy.

But how do YOU get results by only reading about these fabulous folks?

You’re right! You don’t. You don’t get the results of a weight loss mindset until you do the specific, proven steps to get that mindset.

If you are Serious about finally leaving your lifelong food and weight struggles behind you, dropping all excuses, and experiencing struggle-free weight loss for yourself, then here’s your first step: Click here to apply for a complimentary Weight Loss Discovery Session.

This is for YOU if you are Serious about achieving struggle-free permanent weight loss and forever leaving all of your excuses for failure behind you. Why? So that you can live the Life of your dreams, while IN the body of your dreams. Simple!


Photo credit: flickr